Rock Guitar Lessons
- Open Chord Positions
- Power Chords
- Barre Chords
- Major And Minor Pentatonic Scales
- Primary Rock Technique (Bending, Vibrato, Hammer-On, Pull Offs, Slides, Etc)
- Major And Minor Scales
- Understanding The Concept Of Time (Tempo, Rhythm, Form)
- Analysis And Learning Favorite Rock Songs Which Include Progressions And Solos
- Alternate Picking Techniques
- Blues Scales
- Master Strumming And Fingerpicking Techniques For Accompanying Songs
- The Study Of Intervals
- Modes For The Rock Guitarist
- Two Handed Tapping
- Whammy Bar Techniques
- Major Scales Played Intervalically
- Scale Exercises (Applying Technique To Guitar Solos And Riffs)
- Developing Phrasing for Soloing (Melodic Motifs)
- Chord Melodies
- Study Of Influential Rock Guitarists (Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, David Gilmour, Etc)
- Major, Minor, Diminished, Augmented Triads And Chord Functions
- Arpeggios- Three Note (Triads), Four Note (7th Chords)
- Open Guitar Tunings
- Sweep/Economy Picking
- Chord Scale Soloing
- Chromatic Approach Shapes
- Harmonics, Artificial Harmonics, Pinch Harmonics
- Speed Picking Techniques
- Building Dynamic Guitar Solos
- Study Of Rock Guitar Instrumentalists (Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, Etc)