Blues Guitar Lessons
- 12 Bar Blues Structure
- Pentatonic Scales
- Blues Scales
- Blues Phrasing
- Blues Rhythm Guitar
- Introduction To Blues Leads
- Introduction To Blues Repertoire (B.B King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Albert King, Etc)
- Turnarounds
- Introduction To Classic Blues Solos
- Development Of Blues Styles (Texas, Chicago, Delta, Gospel, Acoustic, Etc)
- Expansion Of Dominant 7th Chords
- Combining Major And Minor Pentatonic Scales
- Rhythmic Styles (12/8, Shuffle, Straight, Etc)
- Introduction To Transcribing (Ear Training)
- Precision And Intonation (Bending, Vibrato, Hammer-On, Pull Offs, Slides)
- Development Of Improvisational Skills
- Targeting Of Chord Tones (Arpeggios)
- Influence Of Blues On Other Guitar Styles (Rock, Folk, Country, Metal)
- Ensemble Blues Playing
- Call/Response Technique
- Slide Blues And Open Tunings Associated With Slide Guitar Playing
- Acoustic Fingerstyle Blues Playing
- Chord Voicings And Inversions
- Introduction To Jazz Blues
- Introduction To Mixolydian Mode
- Guide Tones
- Minor 7th Substitutions On Dominant 7th Chords
- Learning Solos From Other Instruments
- Playing In The Pocket (Rushing/Dragging/Locking In)
- Walking Bass Lines And Comping